Reinvent the Wheel Often Reinvent the Wheel Often “Just use something that exists — it’s silly to reinvent the wheel…” Have you ever heard this or some variation thereof? Sure...
并发可变性 Atomics AtomicInt /AtomicLong AtomicReference Thread-isolated state AtomicReference vs. thread-isolated state Low-level capabilities 并发可变性 This page describes th...
App health checks App health checks vs platform-level health checks Note Configuring app health checks Note Health check paths HTTP gRPC Intervals, timeouts, and thresholds...
Html.Keyed The Problem The Solution Summary Html.Keyed On the previous page, we learned how Virtual DOM works and how we can use Html.Lazy to avoid a bunch of work. Now w...
Automatic mTLS How does it work? Caveats and future work Automatic mTLS By default, Linkerd automatically enables mutual Transport Layer Security(mTLS) for most HTTP-based co...
Logstash execution model Handling events concurrently Processing events in batches Optimizing based on CPU cores Logstash execution model Here’s a brief introduction to how L...