from() function Parameters bucket bucketID host org orgID token Examples Query using the bucket name Query using the bucket ID Query a remote InfluxDB Cloud instance Rel...
Remove a Telegraf configuration Use the InfluxDB UI Use the influx CLI Remove a Telegraf configuration Use the InfluxDB user interface (UI) or the influx CLI to remove Telegr...
/query 1.x compatibility API Authentication Query string parameters u p db rp q epoch Query examples Query using basic authentication Query a non-default retention policy ...
Delete data Delete data using the influx CLI Examples Delete points in a specific measurement with a specific tag value Delete all points in a specified time range Delete data...
Create a task Create a task in the InfluxDB UI Create a task from the Data Explorer Create a task in the Task UI Leave out the option tasks assignment Import a task Create a t...
Monitor vSphere Apply the template View incoming data Monitor vSphere Use the vSphere Dashboard for InfluxDB v2 template to monitor your vSphere host. First, apply the templa...