书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.012 秒,为您找到 3157 个相关结果.
  • Other Samples and Tutorials

    Other Samples and Tutorials Other Samples and Tutorials Try the samples and follow detailed tutorials for training and deploying with Kubeflow Fairing Read the following tutor...
  • 5.2 Persistent

    5.2 Persistent 5.2 Persistent 1.AsyncStorage 2.apply redux-persist middlewear import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native' ; import { applyMiddleware , createS...
  • 2.3 Lifecyle

    2.3 Lifecyle 2.3 Lifecyle Instantiation 1.1 The lifecycle methods that are called the first time an instance is created getDefaultProps getInitialState componentWillMount ...
  • Immutable.js

    Immutable.js Immutable.js Immutable.js is a library that provides immutable generic collections. Figure: Ayers Rock Uluru by Stefanoka is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (https:...
  • Questionnaire

    539 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Questionnaire Further Research Questionnaire Provide an example of where the bear classification model might work poorly in production, due to structural or style differences...
  • Questionnaire

    669 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Questionnaire Further Research Questionnaire Why do we first resize to a large size on the CPU, and then to a smaller size on the GPU? If you are not familiar with regular ex...
  • SQLFlow: Design Doc

    1535 2019-06-26 《SQLFlow Document》
    SQLFlow: Design Doc What is SQLFlow Related Work Microsoft SQL Server Teradata SQL for DL Google BigQuery Design Goal Design Decisions Extended SQL Syntax System Architectu...
  • Developer Guide

    1078 2019-07-29 《Ludwig AI工具文档》
    Developer Guide Codebase Structure Adding an Encoder 1. Add a new encoder class 2. Add the new encoder class to the corresponding encoder registry Adding a Decoder 1. Add a new...
  • 1.2 How it works

    1.2 How it works 1.2 How it works 1.JavaScript bridge 2.React Native Packager 原文: https://unbug.gitbooks.io/react-native-training/content/12_how_it_works.html
  • Local Fine-Tuning

    How to get started ⚠️ High performance GPU required The process of training your own LLM locally is very resource intensive and will require a GPU with at least 16GB of VRAM....