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    460 2020-09-03 《PonyLang Tutorial》
    Adding to PONYPATH Unix/Mac Windows When searching for Pony packages, ponyc checks both the installation directory (where the standard libraries reside) and any directories l...
  • SSL

    ArangoDB Server SSL Options SSL Endpoints Keyfile Server Name Indication (SNI) CA File SSL protocol SSL cache SSL peer certificate SSL options SSL cipher ArangoDB Serve...
  • Start Using Thunderbird

    Start Using Thunderbird Installing Thunderbird on Windows Installing Thunderbird on Ubuntu Installing Thunderbird on Ubuntu 12.04 or newer Installing Thunderbird on Mac OS X St...
  • 个人备忘录

    个人备忘录 Python pip/easy_install IPython Ipdb Chrome(Mac) MacOS SSH Mac 蓝牙耳机(自用索尼 wi1000x) Proxy Oh My Zsh Linux(centos/ubuntu) Centos crontab Iterm2/Terminal Tmux SSH ...
  • Installation workflow

    Setting up the environment for an OKD installation Preparing the provisioner node for OKD installation on IBM Cloud Configuring the public subnet Retrieving the OKD installer Ex...
  • Encryption

    Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Encrypting A Value Decrypting A Value Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Configuration Before using Lumen's encrypter, you s...
  • Encryption

    Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Encrypting A Value Decrypting A Value Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Configuration Before using Lumens's encrypter, you ...
  • Encryption

    Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Encrypting A Value Decrypting A Value Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Configuration Before using Lumens's encrypter, you ...
  • Installing mpc

    365 2020-12-10 《Build your own Lisp》
    Installing mpc Installing mpc Before we work on writing this grammar we first need to include the mpc headers, and then link to the mpc library, just as we did for editline ...
  • 系统调用和手册页

    系统调用和手册页 系统调用和手册页 系统调用定义了用户程序和底层操作系统之间的接口,例如 open(2) 和 read(2) 。Node.js 的函数只是简单的包装了系统调用,就像文档中的 fs.open() 。该文档链接到相应的手册页(以下简称手册页),其中描述了该系统调用的工作方式。 警告 :一些系统调用,例如 lchown(2) ,是特...