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  • 总结

    总结 总结 Observables 为组合和转换异步流提供了一组灵活的API。 它们提供了许多功能来创建来自许多其他类型的流,以及操纵和变换它们。 我们已经了解了Angular 2如何使用Observables 从许多其他类型创建流来读取用户输入,执行异步数据提取和设置自定义的发布/订阅程序。 rxjs 4 to 5 migration rxj...
  • Guards

    Guards Authorization guard Execution context Role-based authentication Binding guards Setting roles per handler Putting it all together Guards A guard is a class annotated...
  • Guards

    Guards Authorization guard Official enterprise support Execution context Role-based authentication Binding guards Setting roles per handler Putting it all together Guard...
  • 使用NativScript模块

    Chapter 4—模块 目录 {#top} 提示: 4.1: Connecting to a backend 连接后台 {#4-1}注意: 提示: 注意: 操作:在视图模型里完成登录 提示 操作:添加 UserViewModel 登录后台代码 4.2: Dialog module 对话框模块 {#4-2}操作:用 di...
  • Thirteen ways of looking at a turtle (part 2)

    categories: [Patterns] 10: Event sourcing — Building state from a list of past events The Command and Event types The Command handler Calling the command handler Advantages and...
  • 多播

    多播操作符 内容 其他资源 多播操作符 在 RxJS 中,默认的 observables 是冷的或者单播的。这些操作符可以使 observable 变成热的或者多播的,以允许副作用可以在多个订阅者之间共享。 内容 publish multicast share shareReplay - 常用 其他资源 @benl...
  • Metrics - Asynchronous Metrics

    Introduction Meter Callback Metric Callback Prometheus Exporter Introduction Asynchronous monitoring metrics execute the metric calculation logic only when metrics reader s...
  • MathBehindRx

    Math Behind Rx Duality between Observer and Iterator / Enumerator / Generator / Sequences Math Behind Rx Duality between Observer and Iterator / Enumerator / Generator / Seq...
  • 7.10. Oberservability

    Oberservability How it works Oberservability How it works ShardingSphere-Agent module provides an observable framework for ShardingSphere, which is implemented based on Java A...
  • TokenService

    TokenService API 属性 方法 TokenService ITokenService 接口包含了一些对 Token 操作的服务类,例如获取当前 Token 信息: constructor ( @Inject ( DA_SERVICE_TOKEN ) private tokenService : ITokenServi...