Vanilla 的 Service 最简单的 Service 以上代码解释 Vanilla 的 Service vanilla 的 Service 预设为项目对某些通用业务逻辑封装为独立的 Service,方便维护、管理、缓存等。 Vanilla 的 Service 在项目的 models/service 路径下,一般使用 LoadModel ...
Plugin Development - Writing tests Write integration tests Plugin Development - Writing tests If you are serious about your plugin, you probably want to write tests for it. Uni...
Plugin Development - Writing tests Write integration tests Plugin Development - Writing tests If you are serious about your plugin, you probably want to write tests for it. Uni...
Plugin Development - Writing tests Write integration tests Plugin Development - Writing tests If you are serious about your plugin, you probably want to write tests for it. Uni...
Writing tests Write integration tests You are browsing documentation for an outdated version. See the latest documentation here . Writing tests If you are serious about you...
kong.ctx kong.ctx.shared kong.ctx.plugin You are browsing documentation for an older version. See the latest documentation here . kong.ctx Contextual data for the current ...
kong.ctx kong.ctx.shared kong.ctx.plugin kong.ctx Contextual data for the current request. kong.ctx.shared A table that has the same lifetime as the current request. This ta...