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  • 7. 使用 gulp 构建一个项目

    1177 2018-02-22 《gulp 入门指南》
    使用 gulp 构建一个项目 package.json 安装依赖 设计目录结构 让命令行输出的文字带颜色 配置 JS 任务 gulp-uglify gulp-watch-path stream-combiner2 gulp-sourcemaps 配置 CSS 任务 gulp-minify-css gulp-autoprefixer 配...
  • What’s in an Interpretation?

    What’s in an Interpretation? Web Assembly (WASM) What’s in an Interpretation? A long-debated question for code written in JS: is it an interpreted script or a compiled program...
  • JetStream wire API Reference

    NATS API Reference Reference Error Handling Admin API General Info Streams Consumers ACLs Acknowledging Messages Fetching The Next Message From a Pull-based Consumer Fetch...
  • 目录结构

    title: 目录结构 title: 目录结构 在快速入门 中,大家对框架应该有了初步的印象,接下来我们简单了解下目录约定规范。 egg - project ├── package . json ├── app . js (可选) ├── agent . js (可选) ├── app | ├── route...
  • 12.3 分层操作

    分层设计 后端代码目录 分层设计 后端代码目录 └── server ├── controllers # 操作层 执行服务端模板渲染,json接口返回数据,页面跳转 │ ├── admin . js │ ├── index . js │ ├── user -...
  • Contents

    Contents Precompiled Bootstrap CSS files JS files Bootstrap source code Contents Discover what’s included in Bootstrap, including our precompiled and source code flavors. R...
  • cli

    @babel/cli Install Usage Compile Files Compile with Source Maps Compile Directories Ignore files Copy files Piping Files Using Plugins Using Presets Ignoring .babelrc.json...
  • Assets

    1096 2019-10-05 《Phalcon 4.0 Document》
    Assets Management Overview Assets CSS JS Inline CSS JS Custom Exception Adding Assets Files Inline Local/Remote assets Collections Get Exists Set URL Prefixes Bui...
  • APIs of previous versions

    All previous versions of the API Scala.js 1.0.0 Scala.js 0.6.32 Scala.js 1.0.0-RC2 Scala.js 1.0.0-RC1 Scala.js 0.6.31 Scala.js 0.6.29 Scala.js 1.0.0-M8 Scala.js 0.6.28 Scal...
  • JavaScript

    610 2021-10-08 《Qt6 QML Book》
    JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript is the lingua-franca on web client development. It also starts to get traction on web server development mainly by node js. As such it is a well...