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  • XAML 服务

    1395 2019-10-06 《.NET Framework 指南》
    XAML 服务XAML Services 本文内容 有关此文档About This Documentation .NET framework XAML 服务和 System.Xaml 中.NET 体系结构.NET Framework XAML Services and System.Xaml in the .NET Architecture XAML...
  • Installation

    Install the Operator SDK CLI Warning Install from Homebrew (macOS) Install from GitHub release Download the release binary Verify the downloaded release binary Install the rel...
  • Becoming Big

    Becoming Big Read the Source. Hook. Extend. Subclass. Wrap with middleware. Fork. Scale like a pro. Discuss with the community. Becoming Big Here are your options when g...
  • FAQ: General

    FAQ: General Why does this project exist? What does “Django” mean, and how do you pronounce it? Is Django stable? Does Django scale? Who’s behind this? How is Django licensed?...
  • 外部工具

    外部工具 外部工具 Robot Framework有很多可用的外部工具, 包括测试数据的编辑器 RIDE_ , 各种IDE或文本编辑器的扩展, 持续集成系统的插件, 等等. 这些工具都是作为单独的项目独立于Robot Framework开发, 要获取可用的工具列表请查看: http://robotframework.org/#tools . 注解...
  • 扩展RobotFramework

    扩展RobotFramework 扩展RobotFramework 创建测试库 概述 创建测试库类或模块 创建静态关键字 与Robot Framework通讯 测试库的分发 动态库API 混合库API 使用Robot Framework的内置模块 扩展已有的测试库 远程测试库接口 介绍 使用Remote库 支持的参数和...
  • Queues

    Queues Introduction Configuration Driver Prerequisites Database Other Queue Dependencies Differences From Laravel Generators Dispatching Jobs Queues Introduction T...
  • 1 Introduction

    1 Introduction 1.1 What's new in Grails 4? 1.1.1 Updated Dependencies 1.1.2 Micronaut Parent Context 1 Introduction Many modern web frameworks in the Java space are more com...
  • Technical Principles

    Technical Principles “Zero” Overhead in Production “Good” Developer Experience Works great for small and big projects alike Easy to migrate to microservices (or even serverless)...
  • 渐进式开发

    title: 渐进式开发 最初始的状态 插件的雏形 抽成独立插件 沉淀到框架 写在最后 title: 渐进式开发 在 Egg 里面,有插件 ,也有框架 ,前者还包括了 path 和 package 两种加载模式,那我们应该如何选择呢? 本文将以实例的方式,一步步给大家演示下,如何渐进式地进行代码演进。 全部的示例代码可以参见 eggj...