Amazon AWS Pub/Sub Prerequisites Creating an Simple Notification Service (SNS) Topic Creating an Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue (Optional) Configuring an S3 bucket to send not...
Using Responses Using Responses In the previous examples, we retrieved a $response variable or we were delivered a response from a promise. The response object implements a PS...
bc 补充说明 语法 选项 参数 实例 bc 算术操作精密运算工具 补充说明 bc命令 是一种支持任意精度的交互执行的计算器语言。bash内置了对整数四则运算的支持,但是并不支持浮点运算,而bc命令可以很方便的进行浮点运算,当然整数运算也不再话下。 语法 bc (选项)(参数) 选项 - i :强制进入交互式模式; -...
kops & MFA The Workaround #1 Usage The Workaround #2 kops & MFA You can secure kops with MFA by creating an AWS role & policy that requires MFA to access to the KOPS_STATE_...