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  • 配置 SSO 登录

    配置 TiDB Dashboard 使用 SSO 登录 配置 OIDC SSO 启用 SSO 禁用 SSO 密码发生变更后重新录入密码 使用 SSO 登录 示例一:使用 Okta 进行 TiDB Dashboard SSO 登录认证 步骤一:配置 Okta 步骤二:获取 TiDB Dashboard 所需的配置参数并填入 TiDB Dashboa...
  • 配置 SSO 登录

    配置 TiDB Dashboard 使用 SSO 登录 配置 OIDC SSO 启用 SSO 禁用 SSO 密码发生变更后重新录入密码 使用 SSO 登录 示例一:使用 Okta 进行 TiDB Dashboard SSO 登录认证 步骤一:配置 Okta 步骤二:获取 TiDB Dashboard 所需的配置参数并填入 TiDB Dashboa...
  • 配置 SSO 登录

    配置 TiDB Dashboard 使用 SSO 登录 配置 OIDC SSO 启用 SSO 禁用 SSO 密码发生变更后重新录入密码 使用 SSO 登录 示例一:使用 Okta 进行 TiDB Dashboard SSO 登录认证 步骤一:配置 Okta 步骤二:获取 TiDB Dashboard 所需的配置参数并填入 TiDB Dashboa...
  • Search

    Dashboard Search Find by dashboard name Filter by Tag(s) Dashboard Search Dashboards can be searched by the dashboard name, filtered by one (or many) tags or filtered by starr...
  • Search

    Dashboard Search Find by dashboard name Filter by Tag(s) Dashboard Search Dashboards can be searched by the dashboard name, filtered by one (or many) tags or filtered by starr...
  • Version 3.1

    What’s New in Grafana v3.1 Dashboard Export & Import Discover Dashboards Constant template variables Dashboard Urls Internal metrics Logging Breaking changes CHANGELOG ...
  • Export and import

    Export and import Exporting a dashboard Making a dashboard portable Import dashboard Discover dashboards on Grafana.com Import and sharing with Grafana 2.x or 3.0 Note Exp...
  • kind

    kind Prerequisites Installation steps Setup MetalLB for kind Setup Dashboard UI for kind kind kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container no...
  • kind

    kind Prerequisites Installation steps Setup Dashboard UI for kind kind kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes . kind was primarily...
  • kind

    kind Prerequisites Installation steps Setup Dashboard UI for kind kind kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes . kind was primarily...