C++ 完整示例 C++ 示例程序 1. 环境准备 2. 下载预编译的预测库 3. 准备预测部署模型 4. 编译预测示例程序 5. 预测部署和执行 更多C++示例 图像分类示例 目标检测示例 口罩检测示例 C++ 应用开发说明 C++ 完整示例 本章节包含2部分内容:(1) C++ 示例程序 ; (2) C++ 应用开发说明 。...
Example code and setup Try it out! Create a call with access token An alternative way to provide access token OAuth2 on gRPC - Objective-C This example demonstrates how to us...
Implementing the arithmetic Ops in C How does it work? What needs to be defined Defining the methods Final version Implementing the arithmetic Ops in C Now that we have set...
Using C++ in Cython Overview Procedure Overview A simple Tutorial An example C++ API Declaring a C++ class interface Declare class with cdef cppclass Add public attributes Dec...
Calling C and Fortran Code Creating C-Compatible Julia Function Pointers Mapping C Types to Julia Automatic Type Conversion Type Correspondences Bits Types Struct Type Correspo...
4.7 – Handling Yields in C 4.7 – Handling Yields in C Internally, Lua uses the C longjmp facility to yield a coroutine. Therefore, if a C function foo calls an API function a...
3.16 – Defining C Functions 3.16 – Defining C Functions Lua can be extended with functions written in C. These functions must be of type lua_CFunction , which is defined as ...