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  • Spawn manager task

    420 2020-12-25 《Tokio v1.0 Tutorial》
    Spawn manager task Spawn manager task Next, spawn a task that processes messages from the channel. First, a client connection is established to Redis. Then, received commands a...
  • Streams

    714 2021-05-16 《Tokio v1.6 Tutorial》
    Streams Iteration Mini-Redis broadcast Adapters Implementing Stream async-stream Streams A stream is an asynchronous series of values. It is the asynchronous equivalent ...
  • Introduction

    Introduction Introduction The internals section provides an in-depth guide of Tokio’s internals. Itexpects the reader already has a good understanding of how to use Tokio. T...
  • Futures: In Depth

    Futures: In Depth What Are Futures? Implementing Future Returning NotReady A More Complicated Future Futures: In Depth Futures, hinted at earlier in the guide, are the b...
  • Receive responses

    800 2020-12-25 《Tokio v1.0 Tutorial》
    Receive responses Receive responses The final step is to receive the response back from the manager task. The GET command needs to get the value and the SET command needs to ...
  • 非阻塞I/O

    非阻塞I/O 网络资源。 使用资源 使用driver注册资源 Handle :: current vsHandle :: default 网络driver 将driver与资源链接 运行driver 非阻塞I/O 本节介绍Tokio提供的网络资源和drivers 。 这个组件提供Tokio的主要功能之一:非阻塞,事件驱动,由适当的操作系...
  • I/O

    367 2020-12-25 《Tokio v1.0 Tutorial》
    I/O I/O I/O in Tokio operates in much the same way as std , but asynchronously. There is a trait for reading (AsyncRead ) and a trait for writing (AsyncWrite ). Specific type...
  • 示例:聊天服务器

    示例:聊天服务器 Chat State 线性编解码器 广播消息 示例:聊天服务器 我们将使用到目前为止已经涵盖的内容来构建聊天服务器。 这是一个非平凡的Tokio服务器应用程序。 服务器将使用基于行的协议。 行以\ r \ n 结束。 这与telnet兼容,因此我们只使用telnet作为客户端。 当客户端连接时,它必须通过发送包含其“缺口”的...
  • The code

    716 2020-12-25 《Tokio v1.0 Tutorial》
    The code Generate a new crate Add dependencies Write the code The code Generate a new crate Let’s start by generating a new Rust app: $ cargo new my - redis $ cd my...
  • Overview

    Overview Overview Futures, hinted at earlier in the guide, are the building block used to manageasynchronous logic. They are the underlying asynchronous abstraction used byT...