None and Optional handling None and Optional handling The following flags adjust how mypy handles values of type None .For more details, see Disabling strict optional checking ...
Declaring literal variables Declaring literal variables You must explicitly add an annotation to a variable to declare that it hasa literal type: a : Literal [ 19 ] = 19...
Will static typing make my programs run faster? Will static typing make my programs run faster? Mypy only does static type checking and it does not improveperformance. It has a...
Miscellaneous strictness flags Miscellaneous strictness flags allow_untyped_globals (bool, default False) Causes mypy to suppress errors caused by not being able to fullyinfe...
Configuring warnings Configuring warnings The follow flags enable warnings for code that is sound but ispotentially problematic or redundant in some way. —warn-redundant-cast...
Advanced options Advanced options The following flags are useful mostly for people who are interestedin developing or debugging mypy internals. —pdb This flag will invoke ...
How imports are found How imports are found When mypy encounters an import statement or receives modulenames from the command line via the —module or —package flags, mypy t...
Basic usage Basic usage The client utility dmypy is used to control the mypy daemon.Use dmypy run — <flags> <files> to typecheck a set of files(or directories). This will lau...
Automatic stub generation (stubgen) Automatic stub generation (stubgen) A stub file (see PEP 484 ) contains only type hints for the publicinterface of a module, with empty fun...
Supported Python features Runtime definition of methods and functions Supported Python features A list of unsupported Python features is maintained in the mypy wiki: Unsuppo...