Errors Installation Error Defination Error Generation Usage Errors You can define errors in protos and generate enums with protoc-gen-go. Error in errors pacakge implements...
Routing and Load Balancing Interface Implementation How to use HTTP Client gRPC Client Routing and Load Balancing Interface Implementation The main interface for routing an...
Dependency Injection Installation Terms Usage Component Initialization References Dependency Injection Wire is a compile-time dependency injection tool. It is recommended...
Overview Built-in Middleware logging metrics recovery status tracing validate auth ratelimit circuitbreaker Usage Custom Middleware Overview Kratos has a series of b...
Interface Usage Register a Service Service Discovery (gRPC) Interface Registry has two interface, the Registrar is for services’ register and deregister, the Discovery is fo...
Introduction Introduction 📄️ Overview Kratos is a framework upon the lightweight microservices implemented by Golang, which offers convenient capabilities to help you quickly ...