Publish for the Huawei HarmonyOS Preparations Release process Building with Cocos Creator Compile and run through HUAWEI DevEco Studio Signature file Generate key and certificat...
Chapter 5. Standardization: ECMAScript buy the book to support the author. Chapter 5. Standardization: ECMAScript After JavaScript came out, Microsoft implemented the sam...
The Road to ECMAScript 6 The Road to ECMAScript 6 In 2007, JavaScript was at a crossroads. The popularity of Ajax was ushering in a new age of dynamic web applications, while J...
Fundamentals for Publishing to Native Platforms Fundamentals for Publishing to Native Platforms Cocos Creator supports publishing to native applications on multiple platforms: ...
ESNext notes Function Hoisting Variables Temporal Dead Zone HTML Templates ESNext notes Slides ECMAScript is now EcmaScript . Which is a standard for the API JavaScript...