Unit Tests Running Tests Params Exposures Dependency Injection Flash messages Requests Tests Session Testing Hanami pays a lot of attention to code testability and it off...
Preprocessors Engines EcmaScript 6 Preprocessors Hanami is able to run assets preprocessors and lazily compile them under public/assets . Imagine to have application.css.sc...
Hanami exposes a project level Rack middleware stack to be configured like this: # config/environment.rb Hanami . configure do middleware . use MyRackMiddleware end ...
Prepare Prepare In our settings (lib/bookshelf.rb ), there is code block that allows to share the code for all the mailers of our application. When a mailer includes the Hanam...
Status codes Custom method handlers Handling exceptions in base actions When a request crashes with an exception, you may want to handle it in a graceful manner. To do this, y...
Parameter sources Accessing parameters Parameter validation Using concrete classes Validations at the HTTP layer Body parsers The parameters associated with an incoming req...
Add SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS="true" to .env.development and .env.test in order to serve static assets locally. Add require 'hanami/rake_tasks' to Rakefile in order to enable :...
Explicit Interface Explicit Loading No Proxy Loader Types Of Associations An association is a logical relationship between two entities. As of the current version, Hanami su...