case Tuple literal Tuple size must match … … Implicit-object allowed Comparing against a type will perform an is_a? check Exhaustive case Union type checks Bool values Enu...
case Tuple literal Tuple size must match … … Implicit-object allowed Comparing against a type will perform an is_a? check Exhaustive case Union type checks Bool values Enu...
Fresh variables Fresh variables Once macros generate code, they are parsed with a regular Crystal parser where local variables in the context of the macro invocations are assume...
Fresh variables Fresh variables Once macros generate code, they are parsed with a regular Crystal parser where local variables in the context of the macro invocations are assume...
Fresh variables Fresh variables Once macros generate code, they are parsed with a regular Crystal parser where local variables in the context of the macro invocations are assume...
Fresh variables Fresh variables Once macros generate code, they are parsed with a regular Crystal parser where local variables in the context of the macro invocations are assume...
Class methods Constructors Class methods Class methods are methods associated to a class or module instead of a specific instance. module CaesarCipher def self . enc...
Class methods Constructors Class methods Class methods are methods associated to a class or module instead of a specific instance. module CaesarCipher def self . encr...
offsetof offsetof An offsetof expression returns the byte offset of a field in an instance of a class or struct. There are two forms of offsetof expressions. The first form a...