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  • 写在前面

    OpenStack最终用户文档(简体中文版) 摘要 目录 OpenStack最终用户文档(简体中文版) 摘要 OpenStack是一个开源的云计算平台,可以用在公有云和私有云上。若干互相关联的项目结合成了这样一整套的云基础设施解决方案。本文档向OpenStack最终用户介绍了如何用OpenStack dashboard和OpenStack命令...
  • Installing a cluster on OpenStack in a restricted network

    Installing a cluster on OpenStack in a restricted network Prerequisites About installations in restricted networks Additional limits Resource guidelines for installing OKD on RH...
  • Client Libraries

    Client Libraries Officially-supported Kubernetes client libraries Community-maintained client libraries Client Libraries This page contains an overview of the client libraries...
  • Google Summer of Code

    Google Summer of Code Past Projects 2021 2020 try.spinnaker.io Google Summer of Code Information about working on Spinnaker as part of Google Summer of Code. Google Summer ...
  • 教程6: Vökuró

    470 2021-02-19 《Phalcon v2.0 文档》
    教程6: Vökuró 目录结构 加载类和依赖关系 注册 结论 教程6: Vökuró Vökuró是另一个去学习phalcon的示例应用。Vökuró实现了安全特性,管理用户和权限。可以从 Github 克隆项目。 Vökuró is another sample application you can use to learn mor...
  • FAQ

    FAQ Alluxio 常见问题 FAQ Alluxio 常见问题 什么是Alluxio? Alluxio (之前名为Tachyon),是一个开源的具有内存级速度的虚拟分布式存储系统, 使得应用程序可以以内存级速度与任何存储系统中的数据进行交互。关于Alluxio的更多信息请见Alluxio总览文档 。 Alluxio可以...
  • Optimizing storage

    Optimizing storage Available persistent storage options Recommended configurable storage technology Specific application storage recommendations Registry Scaled registry Metrics...
  • Optimizing storage

    Optimizing storage Available persistent storage options Recommended configurable storage technology Specific application storage recommendations Registry Scaled registry Metrics...
  • Optimizing storage

    Optimizing storage Available persistent storage options Recommended configurable storage technology Specific application storage recommendations Registry Scaled registry Metrics...
  • Optimizing storage

    Optimizing storage Available persistent storage options Recommended configurable storage technology Specific application storage recommendations Registry Scaled registry Metrics...