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  • SDK 下载

    SDK 下载 选择版本下载 更新注意事项 SDK 下载 选择版本下载 最新稳定版 v1.4.0(推荐) 更新注意事项 从 SDK v1.2.0 开始,我们为每一个应用分配了一个专属独立域名 :${clientID}.xiaoapp.io 。旧版本 SDK 升级到 1.2.0 及以上版本,需到微信小程序管理后台的【设置】-【开发设...
  • 使用 SDK

    SDK 支持 基于 Node.Js 实现的 SDK 基于 Python 实现的 SDK 基于 Java 实现的 SDK 基于 Go 实现的 SDK SDK 支持 除了基于命令行的客户端之外,超级账本 Fabric 提供了多种语言的 SDK,包括 Node.Js、Python、Java、Go 等。它们封装了 Fabric 网络中节点提供的 gRP...
  • Python SDK

    Contributing to the Python SDK Examples Docs Contributing to the Python SDK Guidelines for contributing to the Dapr Python SDK When contributing to the Python SDK the follow...
  • Go SDK

    Contributing to the Go SDK Examples Docs Contributing to the Go SDK Guidelines for contributing to the Dapr Go SDK When contributing to the Go SDK the following rules and be...
  • .NET SDK

    Contributing to the .NET SDK Examples Docs Contributing to the .NET SDK Guidelines for contributing to the Dapr .NET SDK When contributing to the .NET SDK the following rule...
  • DataProxy SDK

    C++ SDK Java SDK HTTP 上报 Golang SDK
  • Python SDK

    Python SDK Build TubeMQ Python SDK Python SDK API Producer Consumer Example Python SDK Build TubeMQ Python SDK Python SDK is a wrapper of C++ SDK through pybind11 , so bef...
  • Java SDK

    Java SDK Create real-time synchronization task Import Java SDK Data report process Initialize SDK ProxyClientConfig configuration Call the send interface to report data Close ...
  • DataProxy SDK

    C++ SDK Java SDK HTTP 上报 Golang SDK