10.10.2 Creating JSON Views 10.10.2 Creating JSON Views JSON views go into the grails-app/views directory and end with the .gson suffix. They are regular Groovy scripts and c...
5. Studio 功能 5. Studio 功能 这部分文档描述了所有能帮助开发 CUBA 应用程序的 Studio 功能。主要是根据能在项目树 中看到的项目元素组织相关信息。 有些 Studio 的功能会跟 Intellij 终极版或者第三方插件的功能冲突。比如,为了避免边栏中图标的冲突,可以用下面的步骤禁用终极版中冲突的图标: 在 IDE...
Potential Project List Getting involved Simple tasks for newcomers Mid-to-large tasks Explicit typing in RPython Make bytearray type fast Implement copy-on-write list slicing ...
Introduction to SimpleLanguage IDE Setup Eclipse Netbeans IntelliJ IDEA Run SimpleLanguage Dump Graphs Debug SimpleLanguage Component for GraalVM SimpleLanguage Native Ima...