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  • Using URL Processors

    Using URL Processors Internationalized Application URLs Internationalized Blueprint URLs Using URL Processors Changelog New in version 0.7. Flask 0.7 introduces the concept...
  • 单页应用

    单页应用 单页应用 Flask 可以用为单页应用( SPA )提供服务,实现方式是把前端框架生成的静态文件放在项目的子文件夹中。你还需要创建一个全包端点把所有请求指向你的 SPA 。 下面的演示如何用一个 API 为 SPA 提供服务: from flask import Flask , jsonify app = Fla...
  • Application Dispatching

    Application Dispatching Working with this Document Combining Applications Dispatch by Subdomain Dispatch by Path Application Dispatching Application dispatching is the proce...
  • 简单例子:异步发送邮件

    简单例子:异步发送邮件 简单例子:异步发送邮件 我要举的第一个示例是应用程序非常普通的需求:能够发送邮件但是不阻塞主应用。 在这个例子中我会用到 Flask-Mail 扩展,我会假设你们熟悉这个扩展。 我用来说明的示例应用是一个只有一个输入文本框的简单表单。要求用户在此文本框中输入一个电子邮件地址,并在提交,服务器会发送一个测试电子邮件到这个邮...
  • Using URL Processors

    Using URL Processors Internationalized Application URLs Internationalized Blueprint URLs Using URL Processors Changelog New in version 0.7. Flask 0.7 introduces the concept ...
  • Using URL Processors

    Using URL Processors Internationalized Application URLs Internationalized Blueprint URLs Using URL Processors Changelog New in version 0.7. Flask 0.7 introduces the conce...
  • Make the Project Installable

    Make the Project Installable Describe the Project Install the Project Make the Project Installable Making your project installable means that you can build a distribution file...
  • Advanced Usage

    840 2019-08-02 《HTTPX Document》
    Advanced Usage Client Instances Calling into Python Web Apps Advanced Usage Client Instances Using a Client instance to make requests will give you HTTP connection pooling,...
  • Additional Notes

    Design Decisions in Flask HTML/XHTML FAQ Security Considerations Flask Extension Development How to contribute to Flask License Changes
  • Make the Project Installable

    Make the Project Installable Describe the Project Install the Project Make the Project Installable Making your project installable means that you can build a distribution file...