Null Safety Nullable types and Non-Null Types Checking for null in conditions Safe Calls Elvis Operator The !! Operator Safe Casts Collections of Nullable Type Null Saf...
Taxes What informations should I provide to GitBook? What tax documents should I expect from GitBook? How are the amounts on my 1099s calculated? When will I be receiving my 109...
Targeted Users User Expectations Modelers SQLFlow Users Unified API API For Training For Prediction Model Zoo Trained Model Targeted Users ElasticDL targets two categor...
API Reference Models Fields Query Types Database and its subclasses delete a blog instance and all its associated entries, but do so within a transaction Transaction, Savepoi...
SQL - ALTER CLUSTER Supported Attributes Supported Conflict Strategies SQL - ALTER CLUSTER Updates attributes on an existing cluster. Syntax ALTER CLUSTER <cluster> < ...