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  • 2.0 正式版 “西湖以西”

    2.0 正式版 “西湖以西” 共享订阅(Shared Subscription) 本地订阅(Local Subscription) erlang.mk与relx CoAP协议支持 MQTT-SN协议支持 ‘K = V’格式配置文件 操作系统环境变量 Docker镜像支持 Windows平台支持 问题与改进 764: add mqtt.c...
  • What is Envoy

    What is Envoy Design goals What is Envoy Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures. The project was born out of the b...
  • Data Seeding

    Data Seeding Introduction Why a Data Seed System? IDataSeedContributor DataSeedContext Modularity IDataSeeder Where & How to Seed Data? On Production On Development On Testi...
  • What is Envoy

    What is Envoy Design goals What is Envoy Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures. The project was born out of the b...
  • What is Envoy

    What is Envoy Design goals What is Envoy Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures. The project was born out of the b...
  • 3.1. Sharding

    Background Vertical Sharding Horizontal Sharding Challenges Goal Application Scenarios Mass data high concurrency in OLTP scenarios Mass data real-time analysis in OLAP scena...
  • 3.1. Sharding

    Background Vertical Sharding Horizontal Sharding Challenges Goal Application Scenarios Mass data high concurrency in OLTP scenarios Mass data real-time analysis in OLAP scena...
  • Optimizing storage

    Optimizing storage Available persistent storage options Recommended configurable storage technology Specific application storage recommendations Registry Scaled registry Metrics...
  • Optimizing storage

    Optimizing storage Available persistent storage options Recommended configurable storage technology Specific application storage recommendations Registry Scaled registry Metrics...
  • 总览

    总览 总览 保持某种操作继续进行的所有必需信息。如:同时看三本书,每本书已翻看的页码就是继续看这本书的上下文。 CS,用于解决一个数据应用开发流程,跨多个系统间的数据和信息共享问题。 例如,B系统需要使用A系统产生的一份数据,通常的做法如下: B系统调用A系统开发的数据访问接口; B系统读取A系统写入某个共享存储的数据。 有了CS之后...