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  • IDE 的功能

    菜单栏 工具栏 测试用例面板 日志/参考/UI元素/回滚 窗格 日志窗格 参考窗格 UI-元素和回滚窗格 菜单栏 文件菜单用来管理测试用例和测试套件(一组测试案例)。通过文件菜单可以添加一个新的测试用例,打开测试用例,保存测试用例,将测试用例导出成某种编程语言的代码文件。打开最近的测试用例。所有这些操作也适用于测试套件。 编辑菜单允许对...
  • GraphSeriesToggler

    GraphSeriesToggler class constructor(props) componentDidUpdate method onSeriesToggle method render method GraphSeriesToggler class Signature export declare class Graph...
  • GraphSeriesToggler

    GraphSeriesToggler class constructor(props) componentDidUpdate method onSeriesToggle method render method GraphSeriesToggler class Signature export declare class Graph...
  • UI Extensions

    UI Extensions Resource Tab Extensions System Level Extensions Application Tab Extensions UI Extensions Argo CD web user interface can be extended with additional UI elements....
  • UI Extensions

    UI Extensions Resource Tab Extensions System Level Extensions Application Tab Extensions UI Extensions Argo CD web user interface can be extended with additional UI elements....
  • ModalsProvider

    ModalsProvider class constructor(props) hideModal property showModal property render method ModalsProvider class Signature export declare class ModalsProvider extend...
  • Edit Dialogs

    Edit Dialogs Edit Dialogs When you click a product name in Products page, an editing dialog for that row is displayed. This dialog is shown on client side, there is no post-...
  • Skeleton

    Skeleton Skeleton Block Skeleton Text Skeleton Effects CSS Variables Examples Skeleton Skeleton elements (aka UI Skeletons, Skeleton Screens, Ghost Elements) are basical...
  • GraphSeriesToggler

    GraphSeriesToggler class constructor(props) componentDidUpdate method onSeriesToggle method render method GraphSeriesToggler class Signature export declare class Graph...
  • GraphSeriesToggler

    GraphSeriesToggler class constructor(props) componentDidUpdate method onSeriesToggle method render method GraphSeriesToggler class Signature export declare class Graph...