Use Spring Boot Starter Import Maven Dependency Configure Rule Use ShardingSphereDataSource in Spring Use Spring Boot Starter Import Maven Dependency Configure Rule Use Sh...
Use cases Comparison chart ZooKeeper Consul NewSQL (Cloud Spanner, CockroachDB, TiDB) Using etcd for metadata Using etcd for distributed coordination The name “etcd” origin...
Consul vs. SmartStack Consul vs. SmartStack SmartStack is a tool which tackles the service discovery problem. It has a rather unique architecture and has 4 major components: Zoo...
配置服务 Configuration Service 配置服务 Configuration Service 一个基本的ZooKeeper实现的服务就是“配置服务”,集群中的服务器可以通过ZooKeeper共享一个通用的配置数据。从表面上,ZooKeeper可以理解为一个配置数据的高可用存储服务,为应用提供检索和更新配置数据服务。我们可以使用ZooKe...