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  • Distributed Computing

    Distributed Computing Cluster Manager Interface Distributed Computing Distributed.addprocs — Function. addprocs ( manager :: ClusterManager ; kwargs ...) -> List of p...
  • Brokers

    Managing Brokers List active broker List namespace owned by broker Update broker conf List updatable broker conf Update broker conf dynamically List updated broker conf Get i...
  • Configuring CSP rules for `frame-ancestors`

    Configuring CSP rules for frame-ancestors Configuration Enable site embedding for OpenSearch Dashboards Delete frame-ancestors in the CSP rules Get frame-ancestors in the CSP...
  • Configuring CSP rules for `frame-ancestors`

    Configuring CSP rules for frame-ancestors Configuration Enable site embedding for OpenSearch Dashboards Delete frame-ancestors in the CSP rules Get frame-ancestors in the CSP...
  • 6.1. JPA注解学习

    JPA及部分Hibernate注解学习 @DynamicInsert @OneToOne @OneToMany & @ManyToOne @ManyToMany @Column @Convert JPA及部分Hibernate注解学习 (1)JPA & Hibernate的[字段相关注解]添加在[实体类字段的get方法]上 (2)do...
  • orderby(batch)

    Description Parameters Script Example Code Description Order the batch operator. Parameters Name Description Type Required? Default Value fetch Number of rec...
  • 模板类

    数据库与模型 安装 创建模板配置 添加测试模板 封装视图控制器 添加测试控制器 数据库与模型 Github : ThinkTemplate - 从ThinkPHP5.1独立出来的编译型模板引擎 安装 composer require topthink / think - template 创建模板配置 修改 Co...
  • 3.2 保持代码同步

    1346 2020-02-04 《Git 菜单》
    保持同步 git remote 用法 讨论 名为 origin 的远程连接 仓库的 URL 栗子 git fetch 用法 讨论 远程分支 栗子 git pull 用法 讨论 基于 Rebase 的 Pull 栗子 git push 用法 讨论 强制推送 只推送到裸仓库 栗子 保持同步 BY 童仲毅(ge...
  • Permissions

    218 2022-01-19 《Deno v1.17.3 Manual》
    Permissions Permissions list Configurable permissions File system access Network access Environment variables Subprocess permissions Conference Permissions Deno is secure...
  • Permissions

    250 2022-02-21 《Deno v1.18.3 Manual》
    Permissions Permissions list Configurable permissions File system access Network access Environment variables Subprocess permissions Conference Permissions Deno is secure...