Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage Extension Required Configuration Reading data from Google Cloud Storage Deep Storage Configuration Google Cloud Storage Google ...
Rackspace Cloud Files Deep Storage Firehose StaticCloudFilesFirehose Rackspace Cloud Files To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to include druid-cloudfiles-extensi...
Google Cloud PubSub Consuming or Producing PubSubMessages PubSub SourceFunction PubSub Sink Google Credentials Integration testing At least once guarantee SourceFunction SinkF...
Using cloud providers Enabling cloud provider support in kubelet Deploying the actual cloud provider Using cloud providers k0s builds Kubernetes components in “providerless” ...
vSphere Cloud Provider Prerequisites Clusters provisioned with RKE CLI Clusters provisioned with Rancher Configuration Reference global virtual_center workspace disk networ...
2 Spring Cloud Spring Cloud 简介 准备工作 父项目的建立 TIPS 2 Spring Cloud Spring Cloud 简介 Spring Cloud是在Spring Boot的基础上构建的,用于简化分布式系统构建的工具集,为开发人员提供快速建立分布式系统中的一些常见的模式。 例如:配置管理(conf...