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  • 加载 .sst 文件

    Download and Ingest Download and Ingest Nebula Graph 存储访问默认使用 RocksDB 作为 key-value 存储引擎。因此在大量数据加载时,可以通过运行一个 map-reduce job 离线生成 RocksDB 的 SST 文件,再直接分发到服务器上。 Nebula Graph 提...
  • Managing Disk Space Utilization

    Overview Usage Tracking DB Size Limiting the DB Size Overview It is possible to cap the total amount of disk space used by a RocksDB database instance, or multiple instance ...
  • Features

    Features Ozone Features OM High Availability Ozone Erasure Coding SCM High Availability Merge Container RocksDB in DN Prefix based File System Optimization Topology awarenes...
  • Iterator's Implementation

    RocksDB Iterator DBIter Example: MergingIterator Example: MemtableIterator BlockIter TwoLevelIterator Example: RocksDB Iterator RocksDB Iterator allows users to iterate...
  • Installation and Use

    Installation and Use Compile Deploy Installation and Use Compile Environmental dependence CentOS, Ubuntu and Mac OS are all OK (recommend CentOS >= 7.2). go >= 1.19 requi...
  • Installation and Use

    Installation and Use Compile Deploy Installation and Use Compile Environmental dependence CentOS, Ubuntu and Mac OS are all OK (recommend CentOS >= 7.2). go >= 1.19 requi...
  • Durability

    Durability MMFiles Storage Engine RocksDB Storage Engine Durability Transactions are executed until there is either a rollbackor a commit. On rollback the operations from the...
  • TiKV 简介

    TiKV 简介 整体架构 Region 与 RocksDB Region 与 Raft 协议 分布式事务 计算加速 TiKV 简介 TiKV 是一个分布式事务型的键值数据库,提供了满足 ACID 约束的分布式事务接口,并且通过 Raft 协议 保证了多副本数据一致性以及高可用。TiKV 作为 TiDB 的存储层,为用户写入 TiDB 的数据提...
  • TiKV 简介

    TiKV 简介 整体架构 Region 与 RocksDB Region 与 Raft 协议 分布式事务 计算加速 TiKV 简介 TiKV 是一个分布式事务型的键值数据库,提供了满足 ACID 约束的分布式事务接口,并且通过 Raft 协议 保证了多副本数据一致性以及高可用。TiKV 作为 TiDB 的存储层,为用户写入 TiDB 的数据...
  • Durability

    Durability MMFiles Storage Engine RocksDB Storage Engine Durability Transactions are executed until there is either a rollbackor a commit. On rollback the operations from the...