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  • Building Python function-based components

    Building Python function-based components Before you begin Getting started with Python function-based components Building Python function-based components Using and installing Py...
  • 10.12 机器翻译

    10.12 机器翻译 10.12.1 读取和预处理数据 10.12.2 含注意力机制的编码器—解码器 编码器 注意力机制 含注意力机制的解码器 10.12.3 训练模型 10.12.4 预测不定长的序列 10.12.5 评价翻译结果 小结 参考文献 10.12 机器翻译 ...
  • 对抗性示例生成

    对抗性示例生成 威胁模型 快速梯度符号攻击 实现 输入 受攻模型 FGSM 攻击方式 功能验证 启动攻击 结果 准确性 vs Epsilon 对抗性用例样本 接下来的方向 对抗性示例生成 译者:cangyunye 作者: Nathan Inkawhich 如果你正在阅读这篇文章,希望你能理解一些机器学习模型是多...
  • Core

    Callbacks Events class event [source] class Callback [source] Callback.__call__ [source] Callback.name [source] class TrainEvalCallback [source] Attributes avai...
  • TfmdLists and Datasets: Transformed Collections

    489 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    TfmdLists and Datasets: Transformed Collections TfmdLists Datasets TfmdLists and Datasets: Transformed Collections Your data is usually a set of raw items (like filenames, or...
  • Albumentations Tutorial

    Tutorial - Custom transforms Overview Creating your own Transform Segmentation Using different transform pipelines and the DataBlock API Tutorial - Custom transforms ...
  • 你好,世界!

    你好,世界! import taichi as ti 可移植性 (稀疏)张量 函数与内核 并行执行的for循环 Interacting with other Python packages Python-scope data access Sharing data with other packages 你好,世界! 我们将通过一个分...
  • Set Up Your Notebooks

    Set Up Your Notebooks Quick guide Install Kubeflow and open the Kubeflow UI Create a Jupyter notebook server and add a notebook Experiment with your notebook Next steps Se...
  • Set Up Your Notebooks

    Set Up Your Notebooks Quick guide Install Kubeflow and open the Kubeflow UI Create a Jupyter notebook server and add a notebook Experiment with your notebook Next steps Se...