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  • Fedora, CentOS, or Red Hat

    Fedora, CentOS, or Red Hat Steps to be executed on all nodes Steps to be executed on the coordinator node Fedora, CentOS, or Red Hat This section describes the steps needed to...
  • Integration Testing with Testcontainers

    Integration Testing with Testcontainers Overview Getting Started Test Set-Up Test Implementation Integration Testing with Testcontainers Overview When setting up change dat...

    CREATE DATA SOURCE 功能描述 注意事项 语法格式 参数说明 示例 相关链接 CREATE DATA SOURCE 功能描述 创建一个新的外部数据源对象,该对象用于定义openGauss要连接的目标库信息。 注意事项 Data Source名称在数据库中需唯一,遵循标识符命名规范,长度限制为63字节,过长则会被...
  • Backends

    Backends Memory Kubernetes Postgres Migrations Backends As explained in the Overview , when Kuma (kuma-cp ) is up and running it needs to store data somewhere. The data will...
  • Backends

    Backends Memory Kubernetes Postgres Migrations Backends As explained in the Overview , when Kuma (kuma-cp ) is up and running it needs to store data somewhere. The data will...
  • Backends

    Backends Memory Kubernetes Postgres Migrations Backends As explained in the Overview , when Kuma (kuma-cp ) is up and running it needs to store data somewhere. The data wil...
  • Backends

    Backends Memory Kubernetes Postgres Migrations Backends As explained in the Overview , when Kuma (kuma-cp ) is up and running it needs to store data somewhere. The data wil...
  • 执行修改表分区操作时报错

    执行修改表分区操作时报错 问题现象 原因分析 处理办法 执行修改表分区操作时报错 问题现象 执行ALTER TABLE PARTITION时,报错如下。 ERROR : start value of partition "XX" NOT EQUAL up - boundary of last partition . 原因...
  • Backends

    Backends Memory Kubernetes Postgres Migrations Backends As explained in the Overview , when Kuma (kuma-cp ) is up and running it needs to store data somewhere. The data will...
  • 测试用例

    ORM Test MySQL Sqlite3 PostgreSQL ORM Test 测试代码参见 表定义 models_test.go 测试用例 orm_test.go MySQL mysql - u root - e 'create database orm_test;' export ORM_DRIVER = my...