Apache Druid vs Spark Apache Druid vs Spark Druid and Spark are complementary solutions as Druid can be used to accelerate OLAP queries in Spark. Spark is a general cluster com...
mod_wsgi (Apache) Installing mod_wsgi Creating a .wsgi file Configuring Apache mod_wsgi (Apache) If you are using the Apache webserver you should consider using mod_wsgi . ...
Getting the source code ( 获取源代码 ) git access ( git 访问 ) Build ( 构建 ) Run website in development mode ( 在开发模式下运行网站 ) Making a Pull Request ( 提出 Pull 请求 ) Alternative way ( 替代方式...
Load streaming data from Apache Kafka Prerequisites Download and start Kafka Load data into Kafka Load data into Druid Load data with the console data loader Submit a superviso...