书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.028 秒,为您找到 1928 个相关结果.
  • Passport 鉴权

    title: Passport 使用 egg-passport 安装 配置 挂载路由 用户信息处理 API 使用 Passport 生态 安装 配置 挂载路由 如何开发一个 egg-passport 插件 title: Passport 『登录鉴权』 是一个常见的业务场景,包括『账号密码登录方式』和『第三方统一登录』。 其中,...
  • Swipeout

    Swipeout React Component Swipeout Components Swipeout Properties Swipeout Events Examples Swipeout React Component Swipeout List is not a separate component, but just a p...
  • 启动模板(ASP.NET Core)

    1680 2018-02-15 《ABP翻译文档》
    1.4 ABPZero - 启动模板 (ASP.NET Core) 1.4.1 简介 1.4.2 社交账号登录 1.4.3 基于令牌的身份验证 身份验证 使用API 1.4.4 使用控制台迁移数据 1.4.5 单元测试 1.4 ABPZero - 启动模板 (ASP.NET Core) 1.4.1 简介 使用ABP和module-z...
  • SPI Overview

    SPI Overview Code Plugin Metadata Plugin Building Plugins via Maven Deploying a Custom Plugin SPI Overview When you implement a new Presto plugin, you implement interfac...
  • How to Use Multiple Guard Authenticators

    How to Use Multiple Guard Authenticators How to Use Multiple Guard Authenticators Multiple Authenticators with Shared Entry Point Multiple Authenticators with Separate Entry Poin...
  • RocksJava API TODO

    Some recent user requests (as of June 2017): Upcoming changes to the Java API (outdated — last updated in July 2016) Planned changes for 4.x This page sets out the known TODO i...
  • Technical Differences Between Electron and NW.js

    Technical Differences Between Electron and NW.js 1) Entry of Application 2) Node Integration 3) JavaScript Contexts 4) Legacy Support 5) Features Technical Differences Bet...
  • Introduction

    Cocos Creator v1.9 用户手册 特别推荐 总导读 视频教程 演示和范例项目 Cocos Creator v1.9 用户手册 欢迎使用 Cocos Creator 用户手册!本手册包括详尽的使用说明、面向不同职能用户的工作流程和 step by step 的新手教程。能够帮您快速掌握使用 Cocos Creator 开发跨平台游...
  • Swipeout

    Swipeout React Component Swipeout Components Swipeout Properties Swipeout Events Examples Swipeout React Component Swipeout List is not a separate component, but just a p...
  • 测试React Native程序

    测试React Native程序 安装 Snapshot Test 预设配置 环境 transformIgnorePatterns customization setupFiles moduleNameMapper Tips Mock native modules using jest.mock 测试React Native程序 在 ...