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  • 字符与字符串

    字符与字符串 简介 字符 字符串 小结 习题解答 练习1 字符与字符串 简介 我只介绍了表和数,因为它们在Scheme中最为常用。然而,Scheme也有像字符(Character) 、字符串(String) 、符号(Symbol) 、向量(Vector) 等的其它数据类型,我将在11到14章节中介绍它们。 字符 在某个字符前添加...
  • What is Agda?

    What is Agda? Dependent types Typing for programmers Dependent types Dependent types and logic What is Agda? Agda is a dependently typed programming language. It is an ex...
  • Assignment(赋值)

    Assignment(赋值) Assignment(赋值) Once you’ve created a binding, you can do two things with it: get the current value and set it to a new value. As you saw in Chapter 4, a symbol e...
  • 7.1 流 (Streams)

    7.1 流 (Streams) 7.1 流 (Streams) 流是用来表示字符来源或终点的 Lisp 对象。要从文件读取或写入,你将文件作为流打开。但流与文件是不一样的。当你在顶层读入或印出时,你也可以使用流。你甚至可以创建可以读取或写入字符串的流。 输入缺省是从 *standard-input* 流读取。输出缺省是在 *standard-ou...
  • What is a Function?

    What is a Function? What is a Function? Functions are the essence of all programming. In the early days of computer science they represented a naive dream. The idea was that we...
  • What is a Function?

    527 2020-12-10 《Build your own Lisp》
    What is a Function? What is a Function? Functions are the essence of all programming. In the early days of computer science they represented a naive dream. The idea was that w...
  • PyQt5 简介

    8233 2018-02-27 《PyQt5中文教程》
    PyQt5 简介 关于 PyQt5 PyQt4和PyQt5的区别 Python语言的介绍 PyQt5 简介 本教程的目的是带领你入门PyQt5。教程内所有代码都在Linux上测试通过。PyQt4 教程 是PyQt4的教程,PyQt4是一个Python(同时支持2和3)版的Qt库。 关于 PyQt5 PyQt5 是Digia的一套Qt5与p...
  • Reference

    303 2020-12-10 《Build your own Lisp》
    Reference functions.c Reference functions.c #include "mpc.h" #ifdef _WIN32 static char buffer [ 2048 ]; char * readline ( char * prompt ) { fputs...
  • 入门

    入门 资源 入门 无论是使用预编译好的二进制程序,还是自己从源码编译,安装 Julia 都是一件很简单的事情。 请按照 https://julialang.org/downloads/ 的提示来下载并安装 Julia。 如果你是从下面的某一种语言切换到 Julia 的话,那么你应该首先阅读与这些语言有显著差异的那一部分 MATLAB , R ,...
  • Plugging the Leaks(堵住漏洞)

    Plugging the Leaks(堵住漏洞) Plugging the Leaks(堵住漏洞) In his essay “The Law of Leaky Abstractions,” Joel Spolsky coined the term leaky abstraction to describe an abstraction that “...