Identifying Corrupted Replicas In the case that one of the disks used by Longhorn went bad, you might experience intermittent input/output errors when using a Longhorn volume. F...
Autoloading in the app directory Autoloading in the lib directory Requiring gems Inflections Hanami uses the Zeitwerk code loader to support autoloading. This means that yo...
Memory Maps Memory Maps The ability to understand and manipulate the memory maps of a debugged program is important for many different Reverse Engineering tasks. radare2 offers...
alias alias An alias declaration inside a lib declares a C typedef : lib X alias MyInt = Int32 end Now Int32 and MyInt are interchangeable: lib X alia...
alias alias An alias declaration inside a lib declares a C typedef : lib X alias MyInt = Int32 end Now Int32 and MyInt are interchangeable: lib X ali...