填充笔刷 Tool Settings Brushes Brush Settings Advanced Cursor 填充笔刷 Fill brushes are the special type of brushes that uses Grease Pencil for the Fill tools. The brush can be ch...
识别图像至蜡笔 用法 选项 识别图像至蜡笔 参考 模式: 物体模式 菜单: 物体 ‣ 转换 ‣ 识别图像为蜡笔 The Trace Image to Grease Pencil tool traces a black and white image and generates Grease Pencil strokes. If the i...
笔画 笔画 General settings for Grease Pencil strokes. 笔画面板。 笔画深度的次序 Defines how the strokes are ordered in 3D space (for objects not displayed In Front). 2D图层 笔画绘制顺序遵循2D图层列表...