9.6 Other bridges 9.6.1 Bridges to GDAL 9.6.2 Bridges to spatial databases 9.6 Other bridges The focus of this chapter is on R interfaces to Desktop GIS software.We emphasize...
4. Stopping and restarting HAProxy 4. Stopping and restarting HAProxy HAProxy supports a graceful and a hard stop . The hard stop is simple , when the SIGTERM signa...
2.5 Units 2.5 Units An important feature of CRSs is that they contain information about spatial units.Clearly, it is vital to know whether a house’s measurements are in feet o...
模型 DB API 模型 模型是 MVC 模式中的一部分, 是代表业务数据、规则和逻辑的对象。Model文件存放于application/models 目录。 命名规范:类名遵循每个单词首字母大写其余小写,以Model结尾的命名方式(例:ArticleCategoryModel)。文件名和类名保持一致(注意大小写也必须一致),Model可直接实...
7.6 Data input (I) 7.6.1 Vector data 7.6.2 Raster data 7.6 Data input (I) Executing commands such as sf::st_read() (the main function we use for loading vector data) or rast...