translated_sha: 95b39d747851dd01c1fe5d36b24e59ec865e323e Jenkins CI Overview Test Execution Server Setup Installation Configuration translated_page:
Omnibus F4 SD 主要特性 Where to Buy 连接器 Airbot Omnibus F4 SD Hobbywing XRotor Flight Controller F4 针脚定义 Radio Control UARTs I2C RC Telemetry CRSF Crossfire Telemetry {#crsf_te...
Intel Aero Introduction Flashing Connecting QGroundControl via Network Intel Aero 官网英文原文地址: The Aero is a UAV development platfor...
综合测试 ROS / MAVROS Tests Execute Tests Write a new MAVROS test (Python) 1.) Create a new test script 2.) Run the new test only 3.) Add new test node to launch file 综合测试 官网...
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