The Ethereum Virtual Machine The Ethereum Virtual Machine At the heart of the Ethereum protocol and operation is the Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM for short. As you might gu...
What Is a Smart Contract? What Is a Smart Contract? The term smart contract has been used over the years to describe a wide variety of different things. In the 1990s, cryptogra...
可信计算 可信计算基础 可信计算 内核完整性度量(IMA) 概述 IMA EVM IMA Digest Lists 约束限制 使用场景 IMA measurement IMA appraisal IMA Digest Lists 操作指导 原生 IMA 场景初次部署 摘要列表场景初次部署 在 OBS 上进行摘要列表构建 在 Koj...