Installing and Testing Installing with git Running tests Optional dependencies Skip Compilation of SQLite Extensions Installing and Testing Most users will want to simply i...
peewee Contents: Note Indices and tables peewee Peewee is a simple and small ORM. It has few (but expressive) concepts, making it easy to learn and intuitive to use. a sm...
Framework Integration Flask Django Bottle Tornado Wheezy.web Falcon Pyramid CherryPy Sanic Other frameworks Framework Integration For web applications, it is ...
Database Initializing a Database Using Postgresql Isolation level Using CockroachDB Using SQLite PRAGMA statements Recommended Settings User-defined functions Set locking mo...
Database Database The Peewee Database object represents a connection to a database.The Database class is instantiated with all the information neededto open a connection to...
Example app Running the example Diving into the code Models Creating tables Establishing a database connection Making queries Creating new objects Performing subqueries Othe...
Selecting multiple records Iterating over large result-sets Selecting multiple records We can use to retrieve rows from the table. When you construct a SELECT...
Managing your Database Creating a database connection and tables Vendor-specific Parameters Using Postgresql Using SQLite PRAGMA statements SQLite and Autocommit APSW, an Adva...