DAG Serialization Dag Serialization Settings Limitations Using a different JSON Library DAG Serialization In order to make Airflow Webserver stateless, Airflow >=1.10.7 suppo...
Templates reference Variables Airflow Variables in Templates Airflow Connections in Templates Filters Macros Templates reference Variables, macros and filters can be used i...
BashOperator Templating Skipping Troubleshooting Jinja template not found BashSensor BashOperator Use the BashOperator to execute commands in a Bash shell. airflow/examp...
Executor Executor Types Executor Executors are the mechanism by which task instances get run. They have a common API and are “pluggable”, meaning you can swap executors based ...
TaskFlow Context Logging Passing Arbitrary Objects As Arguments Custom Objects Object Versioning Sensors and the TaskFlow API History TaskFlow New in version 2.0. If you...
Listeners Lifecycle Events TaskInstance State Change Events Usage Listeners You can write listeners to enable Airflow to notify you when events happen. Pluggy powers these l...
Tracking User Activity Tracking User Activity You can configure Airflow to route anonymous data to Google Analytics , Segment , or Metarouter . Edit airflow.cfg and set the we...
Kubernetes Helm Chart for Kubernetes Kubernetes Executor KubernetesPodOperator Pod Mutation Hook Kubernetes Apache Airflow aims to be a very Kubernetes-friendly project, and...