Pages in this section zkctl Options SEE ALSO zkctl Pages in this section init shutdown start teardown zkctl Initializes and controls zookeeper with Vitess-specific c...
VTGate flags to enable buffering Types of queries that can be buffered What happens during a PlannedReparentShard with Buffering How does it work? What the application sees Po...
Example Usage Options vtbackup The Vitess Batch Command for Backup Maintenance vtbackup is a batch comand to perform a single pass of backup maintenance for a shard. When ru...
vtctldclient ApplySchema Synopsis Options Options inherited from parent commands SEE ALSO ApplySchema vtctldclient ApplySchema Applies the schema change to the specified ke...
vtctldclient ApplySchema Synopsis Options Options inherited from parent commands SEE ALSO ApplySchema vtctldclient ApplySchema Applies the schema change to the specified ke...
ApplyRoutingRules Syntax Resharding Table equivalence Orthogonality Schema Routing Rules The Vitess routing rules feature is a powerful mechanism for directing traffic to th...