2.1.0 版本 2.1.0 版本 发布日期: 2017-04-07 The stable release of 2.1 version. Trouble with auth.mysql.acl_query (emq-auth-mysql#38) Filter the empty fields in ACL table (emq-auth-my...
2.1.1 版本 2.1.1 版本 发布日期: 2017-04-14 Localhost:8083/status returns 404 when AWS LB check the health of EMQ (emqttd#984) Https listener not working in 2.1.0 as in 2.0.7 (emq-das...
2.3.4 版本 Bugfix and Enhancements emq-sn 2.3.4 版本 发布日期: 2018-01-29 Bugfix and Enhancements Feature: Forward real client IP using a reverse proxy for websocket (#1335) Feat...