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  • Linked List Cycle II

    Linked List Cycle II Linked List Cycle II Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null . Note: Do not modify the linked list....
  • Scrape

    42 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Scrape Brush Settings General Unique Scrape Reference Mode: Sculpt Mode Tool: Toolbar ‣ Scrape Shortcut: Shift-T Similar to the Flatten brush, but only pushes surface...
  • Scrape

    Scrape Scrape Reference Mode Sculpt Mode Tool Toolbar ‣ Scrape The Scrape brush works like the Flatten brush, but only brings vertices above the plane downwards. Area Rad...
  • 利用asio开发的轻量级高性能http服务器

    这个只是个demo程序,仅做参考。功能做到了最简化,只支持get请求,但是是性能还是很不错的,支持大量并发操作,资源使用量低,非常适合在嵌入式平台使用。 使用当前目录作为根目录并运行: ./httpd 指定根目录并运行: ./httpd /home/xxxx/root /* //////////////////////////////////...
  • Reroute Node

    69 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Reroute Node Properties Reroute Node A node used primarily for organization. Reroute looks and behaves much like a socket on other nodes in that it supports one input connectio...
  • 234. Palindrome Linked List

    题目描述(简单难度) 思路分析 解法一 总 题目描述(简单难度) 判断一个链表存储的数字是否是回文数字。 思路分析 这个题就难在链表不能随机读取,不能像数组那样直接首尾首尾的依次判断。如果不考虑额外的空间的话,我们只需要把链表中的数字存储到数组中然后判断即可。 如果不用额外空间的话,我们可以把链表分成两半,把后一半倒置,和前一半依次...
  • Migrate from previous configurations

    Migrate from Previous Configurations admin_gui_auth_conf scopes admin_claim authenticated_groups_claim redirect_uri login_redirect_uri logout_redirect_uri admin_gui_session_...
  • 四数组问题[M]

    018. 4Sum 问题 思路 思路2:排除不可能情况 018. 4Sum 问题 Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c, and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target? Find all unique quadrup...
  • Boolean type

    372 2020-10-18 《Nim v1.4 Manual》
    Boolean type Boolean type The boolean type is named bool in Nim and can be one of the two pre-defined values true and false. Conditions in while, if, elif, when-statements nee...
  • Boolean type

    101 2024-07-11 《Nim v2.0 Manual》
    Boolean type Boolean type The boolean type is named bool in Nim and can be one of the two pre-defined values true and false. Conditions in while, if, elif, when-statements need...