切换 DM-worker 与上游 MySQL 实例的连接 虚拟 IP 环境下切换 DM-worker 与 MySQL 实例的连接 变更 DM-worker 连接的上游 MySQL 实例地址 切换 DM-worker 与上游 MySQL 实例的连接 当需要对 DM-worker 所连接的上游 MySQL 实例进行停机维护或该实例意外宕机时,需要将 D...
背景 mysql 主备同步是通过binlog来进行的,备库的 IO 线程从主库拉取binlog,SQL线程将拉取的binlog应用到备库,在5.6之前,备库只有一个线程应用binlog,主库的更新量大,且备库的执行效率低时,就会造成了大量从主库拉取的binlog来不及执行,因此造成了主备延迟问题。为了解决主备延迟,需要提高备库的执行效率,阿里MySQL...
Overview Design Concept InLong-Agent Architecture Different kinds of agent File SQL Binlog Overview InLong Agent is a collection tool that supports multiple types of data ...
CREATE-SYNC-JOB Name Description Example Keywords Best Practice CREATE-SYNC-JOB Name CREATE SYNC JOB Description The data synchronization (Sync Job) function supports us...
Debezium Connector for MySQL Overview of how the MySQL connector works How the MySQL connector uses database schemas How the MySQL connector performs database snapshots What happe...
Overview Design Concept InLong-Agent Architecture Different kinds of agent File File options SQL Binlog Overview InLong Agent is a collection tool that supports multiple ...