快速部署 注意事项 一、确定您的安装环境 二、Linkis环境准备 a. 基础软件安装 b. 创建用户 c. 安装包准备 d. 不依赖HDFS的基础配置修改 e. 依赖HDFS/Hive/Spark的基础配置修改 f. 修改数据库配置 三、安装和启动 1. 执行安装脚本: 2. 安装步骤 3. 是否安装成功: 4. 快速启动Linki...
Data Source Client SDK Data Source Client SDK Linkis DataSource provides a convenient interface for JAVA and SCALA calls, which can be used only by introducing the module of li...
SET PROPERTY Description example keyword SET PROPERTY Description Syntax: SET PROPERTY [FOR ‘user’] ‘key’ = ‘value’ [, ‘key’ = ‘value’] Set user attributes, including re...
Resource Center Introduction Resource Center Introduction The Resource Center is typically used for uploading files, UDF functions, and task group management. For a stand-alone ...
Resource Center hdfs resource configuration File management UDF management Resource management Function management Resource Center If you want to use the resource upload fu...
Advanced Configuration Topics Anatomy of the Flink distribution Scala Versions Anatomy of Table Dependencies Table Planner and Table Planner Loader Hadoop Dependencies Adva...