从Steam安装 使用Steam更新 从Steam安装 Steam is a software distribution platform. Blender can be downloaded and updated using the Steam client by following the steps described below on L...
Pull Requests One Time Setup Fork 工作流程 Guidelines for Reviewers 末级 Pull Requests This page describes the tools used for code contribution and review. Reviews are a key mea...
Linux 窗口环境 X11 Wayland 系统要求 问题排查 环境变量 已知局限 特性比较 Linux 窗口环境 在 Linux 上,Blender 的正式版本同时支持 X11 和 Wayland 。 当检测到 Wayland 时,它是首选的系统,否则将使用 X11 。 Hint The current “Windowing E...
Installing on macOS Install from DMG Updating on macOS Updating with DMG Installing on macOS Check the Downloading Blender page to find the minimum requirements and the diff...