Summary Summary ECMAScript 6 formally introduces sets and maps into JavaScript. Prior to this, developers frequently used objects to mimic both sets and maps, often running int...
JerryScript: JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things Quick Start Getting the sources Building JerryScript Documentation Contributing License JerryScript: JavaScri...
Optional catch clause variables Type assertion/cast syntax in checkJs /@ts-check mode Deduplicated and redirected packages The --preserveSymlinks compiler flag Optional c...
2. Arrow Functions Arrow functions are a short-hand notation for writing functions in ES6. The arrow function definition consists of a parameter list ( ... ) , followed by the =>...
Optional catch clause variables Type assertion/cast syntax in checkJs /@ts-check mode Deduplicated and redirected packages The --preserveSymlinks compiler flag Optional ca...
JerryScript: JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things Quick Start Getting the sources Building JerryScript Documentation Contributing License JerryScript: JavaScri...