I setup health checking. When I fail some hosts, Envoy starts routing to all of them again. Why? Why doesn’t RR load balancing appear to be even? Is there a way to disable circui...
Load balancing Activator pod selection Configuring target burst capacity Load balancing You can turn on Knative load balancing, by placing the Activator service in the reques...
LOAD Statements Run a LOAD statement LOAD MODULE LOAD Statements LOAD statements are used to load a built-in or user-defined module. Run a LOAD statement Java LOAD state...
MULTI LOAD description example keyword MULTI LOAD description Syntax : curl -- location - trusted - u user : passwd - XPOST http : //host:port/api/{db}/_multi_sta...
ROUTINE LOAD description example keyword ROUTINE LOAD description Routine Load function allows users to submit a resident load task, and continuously load data into Doris ...
ROUTINE LOAD description example keyword ROUTINE LOAD description Routine Load function allows users to submit a resident load task, and continuously load data into Doris ...