书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.020 秒,为您找到 20254 个相关结果.
  • JNI libraries

    JNI libraries JNI libraries To integrate nmslib and faiss approximate k-NN functionality (implemented in C++) into the k-NN plugin (implemented in Java), we created a Java Nat...
  • Write facade types for JS APIs

    Defining JavaScript interfaces with native JS traits Remarks JavaScript field/method names and their Scala counterpart Members with a JavaScript symbol “name” Scala methods rep...
  • 跨平台移动端开发

    什么是跨平台移动端开发? Cross-platform mobile development: definition and solutions Different approaches to mobile app development 1. Separate native apps for each operating system 2. Progre...
  • VideoContext

    674 2021-08-19 《Taro v3.2 教程》
    VideoContext 方法 exitFullScreen API 支持度 hideStatusBar API 支持度 pause API 支持度 play API 支持度 playbackRate API 支持度 requestFullScreen API 支持度 seek API 支持度 sendDanmu API 支持度 ...
  • 入门

    React Native入门 配置你的本地IP地址 React Native入门 ABP平台提供了React Native 模板用于开发移动应用程序. 当你按照入门文档 中所述创建新应用程序 时, 你应该使用-m react-native 选项以在解决方案中包含react-native 项目. 配置你的本地IP地址 运行在Android模拟器或...
  • 入门

    React Native入门 配置你的本地IP地址 React Native入门 ABP平台提供了React Native 模板用于开发移动应用程序. 当你按照入门文档 中所述创建新应用程序 时, 你应该使用-m react-native 选项以在解决方案中包含react-native 项目. 配置你的本地IP地址 运行在Android模拟...
  • Types

    Types Types The Type interface in Presto is used to implement a type in the SQL language. Presto ships with a number of built-in types, like VarcharType and BigintType . The ...
  • 12.4. Types

    12.4. Types 12.4. Types The Type interface in Presto is used to implement a type in the SQL language. Presto ships with a number of built-in types, like VarcharType and Bigin...
  • Types

    Types Types The Type interface in Presto is used to implement a type in the SQL language. Presto ships with a number of built-in types, like VarcharType and BigintType . The P...
  • Windows on ARM

    Windows on ARM Running a basic app General considerations Architecture-specific code Native modules Testing your app Development prerequisites Node.js/node-gyp Visual Studio ...