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  • JNWSpringAnimation

    JNWSpringAnimation JNWSpringAnimation是Jonathan Willing,一个Mac和iOS开发者,写的一个很棒的动画框架。要理解它为什么棒,让我们先回过头再一次谈谈Core Animation。 如我之前所说,Core Animation的时间曲线是由三维贝塞尔曲线定义的。你可以告诉一个动画去使用线性、淡入、淡入淡...
  • Closures

    Closures Closure Expressions The Sorted Method Closure Expression Syntax Inferring Type From Context Implicit Returns from Single-Expression Closures Shorthand Argument Names ...
  • Ceph

    Ceph的简要介绍 介绍 Kubernetes和Ceph Ceph的简要介绍 本文参考翻译自这篇文章 的部分内容。 Ceph是一个开源的分布式对象,块和文件存储。该项目诞生于2003年,是塞奇·韦伊的博士论文的结果,然后在2006年在LGPL 2.1许可证发布。Ceph已经与Linux内核KVM集成,并且默认包含在许多GNU / Linux发行...
  • Trademarks

    Copyright and Notices Copyright and Notices Copyright and Notices Apple Inc. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. This document is made available under a Creative Commons Attributi...
  • Conclusion

    Conclusion Conclusion You’ve successfully completed Chapter 7, Advanced Enum. In Lesson 1, you’ve learned the three types of enums: normal, raw value, and associated value. In ...
  • Summary of the Grammar

    Summary of the Grammar Lexical Structure Types Expressions Statements Declarations Attributes Patterns Generic Parameters and Arguments Summary of the Grammar Summar...
  • 编译器400KB,零依赖

    1240 2019-06-25 《V语言特性介绍》
    编译器400KB,零依赖 编译器400KB,零依赖 语言的标准库小于400KB。V语言已经自举,用V语言编写,可以在0.4秒内构建(到今年地,时间继续降到0.15秒)。 时间对比: 语言 内存大小 编译时间 Go 525 MB 1m 33s Rust 30 GB ...
  • Rook

    670 2020-05-08 《Rook 0.8 Document》
    Rook Getting Started Design Rook Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator , providing the platform, framework, and support for a diverse set of storage soluti...
  • Installing a cluster on OpenStack in a restricted network

    Installing a cluster on OpenStack in a restricted network Prerequisites About installations in restricted networks Additional limits Resource guidelines for installing OKD on Op...
  • Delegate

    Delegate Introduction Problem Design Protocol Design Delegator (Sender) Design Delegate (Receiver) Create instances Assign Delegate UITableView in ViewController Source code...